Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No Limit Holdem - Big Bluff

With no-limit holdem, bluffing becomes a much larger part of the game. Bluffing is one of the most exciting things you can do in poker, but it can also be the riskiest. This is where it becomes tricky and you need to know your players. You cab bluff in limit holdem, but with no-limit, you can put much more force behind your bluffs and really force your opponent to think carefully. As always, be very careful here, because things can get dangerously out of hand if you aren’t disciplined or don’t know your opponents well enough. There are some general rules for bluffing in no-limit holdem that you'll want to take note of:
1) If you're going to make a bluff, don't make it a weak one. If there's $100 in the pot, don't bluff with a $10 or $20 bet. Remember, you're trying to make them think you have a damn good hand, and you don’t want them to call it. Bet as if you had the top pair on the table, or a flush draw, etc. Also consider the pot odds – if you bet the whole pot, it’s only 2 for 1 pot odds for your opponent. If you bet more than the pot, it gets even worse.
2) Don't bluff too many opponents at once. You never want to try and trick 5 different people. The more people you try to bluff, the higher the chance that they have a good hand and will call your bluff. Generally, you only want to try bluffing 1-2 players, with a maximum of 3.
3) If someone else bluffs you, don't take it to heart. Also, do not make the mistake of thinking that they bluff often. Usually, a good player will play a bluff out, and then play tight for awhile. If they start betting heavy again, it could be that they have pocket Aces, but it’ll seem like they’re on tilt and continuing to bluff. Again, it can't be stressed enough that knowing your opponent is key.

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